A Snug Life at Brown's

Announcing an exciting partnership with a prestigious London hotel.

Rima Khalifa October 08, 2022
A Snug Life at Brown's
We're pleased to share that we have partnered with Brown's, a Rocco Forte Hotel in London, to provide families with extra comfort for their little ones during their stay.
DockAtot browns hotel partnership deluxe dock baby lounger grand dock tent of dreams
Families can now relax with a selection of DockATot treats, including the beautiful Moses Basket, La Maman Wedge nursing pillow, our Tent of Dreams and renowned Deluxe+ and Grand Docks.
DockAtot browns partnership deluxe dock baby lounger
"Featuring items from DockATot's Morris & Co. Collection within the historic and striking walls of Brown's made complete sense. A timeless establishment, known equally for elegant, meaningful decor as well as distinguishable comfort. DockATot is at home at Brown's and as our first hotel partner, I couldn't think of any other hotel more fitting than Brown's."
Lisa Furuland Kotsianis, DockATot Founder
Click here to read more about our partnership on the Brown's Hotel blog!
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